
Customer Testimonials

I would love to personally congratulate you for the love you feel for your business.
I screened every single detail of it and it is so pleasant to visit your location.
Every single thing is immaculately clean.
I took a peep between the washers where the debris accumulates and you definitely care for your clients. The ceiling fans are sparkling clean, your prices are perfect we do not care to pay when it's clean and organized. Absolutely no trash on the floor and I noticed people are well mannered.
I don't know if it's the area but I drove 20 minutes to meet this place because of the reputation.
I am more than grateful for the convenience of credit/ debit card on your machine, it is a breeze of fresh air to the burden of cash on us.
To the other owners who just live nicely with their earned money but are careless of their business having their laundry like a pig pen with no constant vigilance nor maintenance, good luck to you.
You will never get a penny from me.
Congratulations to the owner, you deserve my 5 star blindly.

- Ruth Cruz

Siempre está limpio, organizado y muy buena atención

- Evelin Silva Pichs

Muy limpio, y tranquilidad

- Ana Canel

Lisa was awesome today on our first visit to Bright and Clean! Helpful staff, clean environment and overall good facility. Will return here!

- Carolyn Gehrman

Every day is Amazing for me

- Leidy Dalia Jiménez Arceo

Very clean and people are extremely nice and helpful.

- Joyce Pasterak

Been going here for years, it's always clean and nice and cool. Lisa is AWESOME

- Carol Sullivan

Aceptan todo tipo de pago no hace falta llevar monedas o si así lo prefiere ahí mismo hay una maquina convertidor de monedas a billete. Siempre funciona. A la lado hay una pizzeria y a la vuelta el dollar tree ---
They accept all types of payment, there is no need to bring coins or if you prefer, there is a coin-to-bill converter machine right there. Always works. Next door is a pizzeria and around the corner is the dollar tree.

- Priscila Rodriguez

Wow great location. Super clean, well maintained. I'm really happy I found this new spot and brought my mom as well.

- Diana Aguirre

The manager for this business, Lisa is nice, helpful and it's always clean.

- Jarena Woolsey

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